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[O:Oral; P:Poster; I:International; D:Domestic]

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., Ciacci, C., Ujiié, Y., Nomaki, H., Fabrizio, F., Environmental assessment by using Foraminifera: Why nanoplastics cause toxicity? Paleontological society of Japan meeting 2024. Kochi University, June 2024. [Abstract]

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., Metabolism is not only one, but also hundreds, thousands, and ten thousands. Paleontological society of Japan meeting 2024. Kochi University, June 2024. [Invited]

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., Ciacci, C., Ujiié, Y., Nomaki, H., Fabrizio, F., Physiologic and metabolic changes on Foraminifera when exposed to nanoplastics. Japan Geological union - American geological union joint meeting 2024, Chiba, May 2024. [Abstract]

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., Ciacci, C., Ujiié, Y., Nomaki, H., Fabrizio, F., Time-course analyses of physiology and metasbolism on foraminiferal strain Ammonia veneta when exposed to nanoplastics. Collaboration research meeting of The Center for Advanced Marine Core Research, Kochi University. Kochi, February 2024.

  • [OI] Ishitani, Y., Ciacci, C., Ujiié, Y., Nomaki, H., Fabrizio, F., Time-course analyses on foraminiferal strain Ammonia veneta reveal unique adverse physiological effects and metasbolic changes when exposed to nanoplastics. Forams2023, Perugia, July 2023.

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., Ishii, S., Kashima, H., Sakao, Y., Isobe, N., Nagano, Y., Nakajima, R., Nomaki H., Can plastic debris distribute microbes all over the ocean? Japan Geological union - American geological union joint meeting 2023, Chiba, June 2023.

  • [PD] Ishitani, Y., Ujiié, Y., Fabrizio, F., Ciacci, C., Inagaki, Y., Time-course analysis of gene expression of the benthic protist during exposed to the toxic heavy-metal. Japan Geological union - American geological union joint meeting 2020, virtual, July 2020.

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., Yazaki, Y., UjiiEe, Y., Inagaki, Y. Divergence time estimation for Foraminifera, based on multigene data set. Paleontological society of Japan meeting 2020. The University of Tokyo, February 2020.

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., Kume, K., Inagaki, Y. Genes localized in mitochondria of Ammonia beccarii. Symbio 2019. Yokohama, Japan. 2019.

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., Yazaki, Y., UjiiEe, Y., Inagaki, Y. Divergence time estimation for Foraminifera, based on multigene data set. Collaboration research meeting of The Center for Advanced Marine Core Research, Kochi University. Kochi, Japan.

  • [OI] Ishitani, Y., UjiiEe, Y., Yazaki, E., Toyofuku, T., Nagai, Y., Inagaki, Y., Phylogenomic approach to the early evolution of Foraminifera. Forams 2018. Edinburgh, Great Britain. 2018. [Abstract]

  • [PI] Ishitani, Y., Molecular marker to identify radiolarian species –toward establishment of paleo-environmental proxy–. AGU Fall Meeting. New Orleans, USA. 2017. [Abstract]

  • [OI] Ishitani, Y., UjiiEe, Y., Inagaki, Y., Takishita, K., Speciation and dispersal pattern of marine protists in the vertical dimension. InterRad XV. Niigata, Japan. 2017. [Abstract]

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., “Surprisingly” narrow dispersal of marine protists. Tsukuba University. November 2017. [Abstract] [Invited]

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., UjiiEe, Takishita, K., Species identification of Spumellaria (Radiolaria) based on molecular technique. Paleontological society of Japan meeting 2016. Waseda University, January 2017.

  • [PD] Ishitani, Y., Takishita, K., Identification of radiolarian species based on the molecular technique. Japan Geological union meeting 2016, Chiba, Japan, May 2016.

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., What a wonderful single-cell eukaryotes. Open campus in the Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute 2016. Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, October 2016. [Invited]

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., Molecular biology of Radiolaria and Foraminifera. Paleontological society of Japan meeting 2015. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, June 2015. [Invited]

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., Takishita, K., Wide vertical distribution of the radiolarian species Larcopyle buetschlii in the Japan Sea. Paleontological society of Japan meeting 2015. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, June 2015.

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., Maggie Cusack. A fundamental function of calcareous spine of large benthic foraminifers for lighting inside. Japan Geological union meeting 2015, Chiba, Japan, 2015.

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., Takishita, K., Were marine microplankton in the Japan Sea geographically isolated during the Last Glacial Maximum? Japan Geological union meeting 2014, Yokohama, Japan, 2014.

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., Ujiié, Y., Takishita, K., Cryptic speciation of the radiolarian species Spongotrochus glacialis in the North Pacific. Japan Geological union meeting 2013, Chiba, Japan, 2013. [Abstract]

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., and Takahashi, K., Phylogeny and morphological significance of order Spumellaria (Radiolaria). The Society of Evolutionary Studies, Japan, Syuto University, Japan, August 2012. [Invited]

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., Ishikawa, S., Inagaki, Y., Tsuchiya, M., Takahashi, K., Takishita, K., Complex evolutionary history of Actin, Tubulin, elongation factor protein based on the sister relationship of Radiolaria and Foraminifera. Japan Geological union meeting 2012, Chiba, Japan, 2012. [Abstract]

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., Takahashi, K., Phylogeny and morphology of Spumellaria (Radiolaria). Workshop for society of evolutionary studies XIV, Tokyo, Japan, 2012.

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., Ishikawa, S., Inagaki, Y., Tsuchiya, M., Takishita, K., Multi-gene analysis revealed the sister relationship between Radiolarian and Foraminifera. Japan Society for Evolutionary Protistology V, Toyama, Japan, 2011.

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., Ishikawa, S., Inagaki, Y., Tsuchiya, M., Takishita, K., Multi-gene analysis revealed the sister relationship between Radiolarian and Foraminifera. Radiolarian symposium XI, Ehime, Japan, 2011. [Abstract]

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., and Takahashi, K., Radiolarian evolution and diversity through geological time. Tsukuba University, Japan, May 2010. [Invited]

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., and Takahashi, K., Radiolarian evolution and diversity –For new paleontological proxy-. Shinshu University, Japan, July 2010. [Invited]

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., and Takahashi, K., Evolution and diversity of Collodaria (Radiolaria). Japan Geological union meeting 2010, Chiba, Japan, 2010.

  • [OI] Ishitani, Y., and Takahashi, K., Phylogenetic relationship and evolution of Spumellaria (Radiolaria). ISEPXVIII, Kanazawa, Japan, 2010.

  • [OI] Ishitani, Y., Takahashi, K., and De Vargas, C., New phylogenetic scheme for Spumelaria based on molecular approach. InterRad XII, Nanging, China, 2009.

  • [OI] Ishitani, Y., Takahashi, K., Not, F., and De Vargas, C., Radiolarian phylogeny and evolution through paleoceanographic change. Radilarian biology based on paleoceanography workshop, Fukuoka, Japan. 2009. [Abstract]

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., Phylogenetic relationship of Collodaria (Radiolaria). Japan Society for Evolutionary Protistology IV, Sendai, Japan. 2009.

  • [OI] Ishitani, Y., de Vargas, C., and Not, F., Molecular taxonomy of Radiolarians. Workshop on Molecular systematics of Amoebozoa and Rhizaria. Geneve, Switzerland. 2009.

  • [PI] Ishitani, Y., de Vargas, C., and Not, F., Morpho-Molecular taxonomy of radiolarians. ASLO meeting. Villefranche, France. 2009. [Abstract]

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., and Takahashi, K., Vertical distribution of Radiolaria and Silica-phytoplankton in the waters around Japan. Oceanographic symposium of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 2007

  • [OI] Ishitani, Y., and Takahashi, K., Phylogenetic relationship among radiolarians in the North Pacific. NOME meeting, Dutchharber, USA, 2007.

  • [OI] Ishitani, Y., and Takahashi, K., Vertical distribution of Radiolaria. Sarco-deal meeting. Villefranche, France. 2007.

  • [PI] Ishitani, Y., and Takahashi, K., Vertical distribution of radiolarian assemblages in the waters off Japan. InterRad XI & Triassic Stratigraphy Symposium, P15, Wellington, New Zealand, March 2006.

  • [OD] Ishitani, Y., and Takahashi, K., Vertical distribution of Radiolaria and Diatom around Japan. Paleocean symposium of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 2006

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