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We have 3 clonally reproduced strains in the laboratory.


  • Ammonia veneta (N in Toyofuku et al., 2004;                            T1/S4 in Bird et al., 2020)

                Locality: 35.322608N, 139.634409E

                Time: 2015/04/20

  • Allogromia laticollaris

                Locality: 22.650915N, 121.502151E

                Time: 2019/05/16

  • Bolivina variabilis (IIb in Kucera et al., 2017)

                Locality: 35.141432N, 139.160972E

                Time: 2022/03/23

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  Foraminifera have wide distribution, and its distribution is sensitive to the ambient environments (i.e., temperature, salinity, productivity...). Its taxonomy is traditionally based on morphological characters, but recent molecular study revealed that single morpho-species includes several genetic types. Biologically, it is quite important to unveil each ecological preference of genetic type for better understanding of marine protist's ecology. Paleontologically, its ecological preference at genetic type level potentially increase the accuracy of marine environment indicator.


  Distribution of Pulleniatina obliquiloculata genetic types in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool show the longitudinal clines. It suggest us that ocean currents have not impacted on the divergence of planktonic foraminifers.

  インド洋ー太平洋暖水域におけるPulleniatina obliquiloculataの遺伝子型毎の分布をみると、経度方向の勾配がみられる。これは浮遊性有孔虫の分散に海流が効果的でないことを示唆している。

(Ujiié et al., 2012. [doi: 10.1002/ece3.286])

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  Recently, divergence time of  species are estimated by molecular information, and this tool have a potential to estimate the evolutionary scenario of naked organisms. On the other hand, Foraminifera have good fossil record since the Cambrian. Their good fossil record can apply to check how the accuracy of molecular clock increase.


  Credible intervals (CIs) based on the four differenr gene datasets with four fossil calibration sets (A-D). Large gene dataset increase the preciseness of molecular clock. Also, Upper constraint (calibration set D) is greatly affected the estimation. (Ujiié and Ishitani, 2016.



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  Some foraminifers survive in polluted areas (i.e., heavy metal, micro-plastics), and recently they are used as pollution indicator. Besides, their large cell have another potential to figure out what happen on the cell during exposure in the pollutants.


  Ammonia parkinsoniana treated with TiO2 nanoparticles shows high activity of Reactive Oxygen Species (green) and increase of neutral lipids (yellow).

  TiO2微粒子に暴露したAmmonia parkinsonianaは活性酸素種(緑)中性脂肪(黄色)が多くなることがわかった。

(Ciacci et al., 2019. [doi:10.1038/s41598-019-56037-2])

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